208 research outputs found

    Purinergic signaling microenvironments: An introduction

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    The common theme of this introductory article and the minireviews that follow in this special issue is the concept of microenvironments within tissues and surrounding cells that would be ideal signaling venues for a biologically active purinergic ligand. Collectively, the editors/authors and the other contributing authors agree that nucleotides and nucleosides would be most potent within a confined system. A talented cadre of purinergics has been solicited to discuss purinergic signaling in his or her favorite microenvironment within a given organ or tissue. We are gratified by the large number of original articles that also have successfully navigated the peer review process and are part of this special issue. These concepts are not simply purinergic, but the idea of maximal potency in a tissue microenvironment and surrounding specialized cells within a tissue pertains to any autacoid or paracrine agonist

    Long-term (trophic) purinergic signalling: purinoceptors control cell proliferation, differentiation and death

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    The purinergic signalling system, which uses purines and pyrimidines as chemical transmitters, and purinoceptors as effectors, is deeply rooted in evolution and development and is a pivotal factor in cell communication. The ATP and its derivatives function as a 'danger signal' in the most primitive forms of life. Purinoceptors are extraordinarily widely distributed in all cell types and tissues and they are involved in the regulation of an even more extraordinary number of biological processes. In addition to fast purinergic signalling in neurotransmission, neuromodulation and secretion, there is long-term (trophic) purinergic signalling involving cell proliferation, differentiation, motility and death in the development and regeneration of most systems of the body. In this article, we focus on the latter in the immune/defence system, in stratified epithelia in visceral organs and skin, embryological development, bone formation and resorption, as well as in cancer. Cell Death and Disease (2010) 1, e9; doi:10.1038/cddis.2009.11; published online 14 January 201

    Myocardial perfusion reserve compared with peripheral perfusion reserve: A [13N]ammonia PET study

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    INTRODUCTION: [13N]ammonia PET allows quantification of myocardial perfusion. The similarity between peripheral flow and myocardial perfusion is unclear. We compared perfusion flow in the myocardium with the upper limb during rest and adenosine stress [13N]ammonia PET to establish whether peripheral perfusion reserve (PPR) correlates with MPR. METHODS: [13N]ammonia myocardial perfusion PET-scans of 58 patients were evaluated (27 men, 31 women, age 64 ± 13 years) and were divided in four subgroups: patients with coronary artery disease (CAD, n = 15), cardiac syndrome X (SX, n = 14), idiopathic dilating cardiomyopathy (DCM, n = 16), and normal controls (NC, n = 13). Peripheral limb perfusion was measured in the muscular tissue of the proximal upper limb and quantified through a 2-tissue-compartment model and the PPR was calculated (stress/rest ratio). MPR was also calculated by a 2-tissue-compartment model. The PPR results were compared with the MPR findings. RESULTS: Mean myocardial perfusion increased significantly in all groups as evidenced by the MPR (CAD 1.99 ± 0.47; SX 1.39 ± 0.31; DCM 1.72 ± 0.69; NC 2.91 ± 0.78). Mean peripheral perfusion also increased but not significantly and accompanied with great variations within and between groups (mean PPR: CAD 1.30 ± 0.79; SX 1.36 ± 0.71; DCM 1.60 ± 1.22; NC 1.27 ± 0.63). The mean difference between PPR and MPR for all subpopulations varied widely. No significant correlations in flow reserve were found between peripheral and myocardial microcirculatory beds in any of the groups (Total group: r = -0.07, SEE = 0.70, CAD: r = 0.14, SEE = 0.48, SX: r = 0.17, SEE = 0.30, DCM: r = -0.11, SEE = 0.71, NC: r = -0.19, SEE = 0.80). CONCLUSION: No correlations between myocardial and peripheral perfusion (reserve) were found in different patient populations in the same PET session. This suggests a functional difference between peripheral and myocardial flow in the response to intravenously administered adenosine stress

    Integration of P2Y receptor-activated signal transduction pathways in G protein-dependent signalling networks

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    The role of nucleotides in intracellular energy provision and nucleic acid synthesis has been known for a long time. In the past decade, evidence has been presented that, in addition to these functions, nucleotides are also autocrine and paracrine messenger molecules that initiate and regulate a large number of biological processes. The actions of extracellular nucleotides are mediated by ionotropic P2X and metabotropic P2Y receptors, while hydrolysis by ecto-enzymes modulates the initial signal. An increasing number of studies have been performed to obtain information on the signal transduction pathways activated by nucleotide receptors. The development of specific and stable purinergic receptor agonists and antagonists with therapeutical potential largely contributed to the identification of receptors responsible for nucleotide-activated pathways. This article reviews the signal transduction pathways activated by P2Y receptors, the involved second messenger systems, GTPases and protein kinases, as well as recent findings concerning P2Y receptor signalling in C6 glioma cells. Besides vertical signal transduction, lateral cross-talks with pathways activated by other G protein-coupled receptors and growth factor receptors are discussed

    Recent developments in genetics and medically assisted reproduction : from research to clinical applications

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    Two leading European professional societies, the European Society of Human Genetics and the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, have worked together since 2004 to evaluate the impact of fast research advances at the interface of assisted reproduction and genetics, including their application into clinical practice. In September 2016, the expert panel met for the third time. The topics discussed highlighted important issues covering the impacts of expanded carrier screening, direct-to-consumer genetic testing, voiding of the presumed anonymity of gamete donors by advanced genetic testing, advances in the research of genetic causes underlying male and female infertility, utilisation of massively parallel sequencing in preimplantation genetic testing and non-invasive prenatal screening, mitochondrial replacement in human oocytes, and additionally, issues related to cross-generational epigenetic inheritance following IVF and germline genome editing. The resulting paper represents a consensus of both professional societies involved.Peer reviewe

    Design concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA: an advanced facility for ground-based high-energy gamma-ray astronomy

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    Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has had a major breakthrough with the impressive results obtained using systems of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has a huge potential in astrophysics, particle physics and cosmology. CTA is an international initiative to build the next generation instrument, with a factor of 5-10 improvement in sensitivity in the 100 GeV-10 TeV range and the extension to energies well below 100 GeV and above 100 TeV. CTA will consist of two arrays (one in the north, one in the south) for full sky coverage and will be operated as open observatory. The design of CTA is based on currently available technology. This document reports on the status and presents the major design concepts of CTA